To my dear clients, colleagues, and friends,
It is with mixed emotions that I write to tell you that, effective Friday, September 21, I will join the ranks of the retired. I look forward to this next chapter of my life and the new adventures it will bring, but I have cherished my role as a lawyer in this community for over 49 years. It is difficult to imagine my life as anything else.
Nevertheless, it is time. Last week I turned 75 years of age. Reaching the ¾ of a century mark reminded me that, if I hope to be able to enjoy a retirement, I’d better get started now.
Of course I would never let my personal life jeopardize my clients’ interests. My partner, Laura Graham, has been involved in my practice behind the scenes for years – it is time she officially took the wheel. I have brought her up to speed on all the particulars that might affect you. I have the utmost confidence in her ability to serve you well.
Thank you so much for your trust and confidence in me over the years. It has been a joy to serve as your counsel, to work alongside you as a colleague, and to count myself among your friends.
Steven Graham (J.D., Boston University, 1969) has been an attorney practicing law in the Acton area since 1972. His children were born and raised in Acton and he has been deeply involved in local affairs, most notably serving as chair for Concord Assabet and Adolescent Services for 22 years before they were acquired by the Justice Resource Institute. In recognition of his commitment to service, the United Way nominated Steven as their Community Hero in 1996 – an honor that made him an Olympic Torch Bearer as the Torch passed through Acton on its way to the Olympic Games.