March 1 isn’t far away…

We’ll be in Concord Center before we know it! Steven has always worked in Acton (where he raised his kids, coached soccer and hockey, served on town committees, and generally did all of the things you do when you’re committed to your community). I had an office in West Concord (where I raised my kids, volunteered a bunch for church and scouts and did all the things you do when you’re committed to your community) before Steven and I decided to open a practice together. So this will be a change for both of us. Acton and Concord, Concord and Acton – these are terrific communities, united by a friendly rivalry borne more from our common core and mutual respect than anything else.

The shift from working out of a location that’s accessible by car only (for most people, I realize that there were a few South Actonians who really appreciated the fact that we were within walking distance at Exchange Hall) to one that’s buzzing with pedestrians and tourists right outside our office will be interesting. And the idea that we will be able to see colleagues at the local lunch spots fairly routinely is also something new for us. It’s an interesting contrast – our work habits and ways of meeting our clients’ needs depend more and more upon our capacity to maintain a virtual connection at all times, while those times that we are physically present in the office will find us rubbing elbows much more closely with the world around us. More virtual and more tangible, all at the same time.